| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
Functional Area:
Print the ORR functional area to which the CRAD has been assigned.
CRA Number/Title:
Specifically identify the CRA or portion of the CRA that the Appraisal Form is to support. Provide the
name and number of the CRA or portion of CRA.
Provide the date on which the form is generated. Change the date as updates or revisions to the form are
ID #:
The Review Coordinator will issue a number that uniquely identifies the issue. This number is used to
correlate the findings (Form 2) and disposition documents (Form 3). Once assigned this number should
appear on all revisions and updates.
The applicable portion of the CRA should be quoted to clearly state the standard of performance utilized
to generate the deficiency.
All applicable references, e.g., DOE Orders, CFRs, etc., should be listed. The reference should be
specific down to the section to allow for easy referral.
Provide a brief description of the issue. This should in the nature of a title for the finding that can be used
to identify the finding verbally, much as the ID # is used to identify the finding numerically. The
appropriate block should be marked to indicate whether the issue is a finding (deficiency) or an
observation (criteria is met; suggestion for improvement).
The key to preparing quality Form 2s is staying focused on the core requirement and criteria. Avoid
speculation and stick to specifics when describing observed strengths and weaknesses. Sweeping
Appendix 4-22
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