| DOE-STD-3006-2000
that is of concern and requires correction to ensure operations are conducted safely when started (prestart
finding), or requires correction to mitigate longer term concerns or programmatic deterioration (post-start
finding). The "roll-up" or systemic conclusion drawn from the individual deficient conditions are
identified as findings. One of the important tasks of the team is to identify the significant findings that
impact on adequacy of programmatic support or indicate inadequate implementation of important
operational conditions. It will always be possible to identify individual deficiencies. The challenge is to
determine when a group of seemingly minor individual issues are indicative of a more systemic issue that
should be identified as a finding.
The Implementation Plan also provides a standardized method to identify findings to the requirements
identified within the criteria. Each finding must be clearly described including examples of the
individual issues that are included in the finding. The finding must describe what is deficient, the
reference to which it is deficient, and be written in a manner permitting correction. Prior to being
published, each finding should be identified as to whether or not, in the opinion of the ORR team
leadership, it must be resolved as a prerequisite to start of operations. Criteria for this judgement should
be published in the Implementation Plan. It may also be appropriate to identify the level of management
(i.e. contractor, DOE Field, or DOE HQ) at which the finding should be closed. While the ORR team
may assist management in reviewing the action taken on a finding, responsibility for closure should
reside with line management. The Implementation Plan should describe the closure process and include
the form of the closure documentation. Form 2 (see Appendix 4) is a sample Deficiency Form which
may be specified to identify findings. Form 3 (see Appendix 4) may be specified as the required
documentation to describe corrective action and close the finding.
5.6 Final Report. The Final Report of the ORR should include as appendices or attachments the
individual criteria assessment documentation as to how the criteria were evaluated, and findings
documentation. Conclusions, a summary of the findings, and the process used is described in the body of
the ORR report. See Section 5.9.3 for additional detailed information for development of the ORR
The Final Report of the contractor's ORR should be an enclosure to the Readiness to Proceed
Memorandum from the contractor. The Readiness to Proceed Memorandum indicates the status of
resolution of prestart findings and a corrective action plan for post-start findings. The DOE ORR Final
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