| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
DOE-STD-1027-92, Change Notice 1, and DOE-EM-STD-5502-94 contain additional information on
methods and criteria for determination of Hazard Categories.
3.17.2 Hazard Classes. Non-nuclear facilities are categorized as high, moderate, or low hazards
based on the following:
a. High - hazards with a potential for onsite and offsite impacts to large numbers of persons or for
major impacts to the environment;
b. Moderate - hazards which present considerable potential onsite impacts to people or the
environment, but at most only minor offsite impacts, and;
c. Low - hazards which present minor onsite and negligible offsite impacts to people and the
environment. Requirements of DOE O 430.1A may apply.
3.18 Integrated Safety Management System. A Safety Management System (SMS) that
systematically integrates safety into management and work practices at all levels as required by DOE P
450.4, Safety Management System Policy, and other related policies (DOE P 450.5 and DOE P 450.6).
3.19 Non-reactor Nuclear Facility. Those activities or operations that involve radioactive and/or
fissionable materials in such form and quantity that a nuclear hazard potentially exists to the employees
or the general public. Included are activities or operations that: (1) produce, process, or store radioactive
liquid or solid waste, fissionable materials, or tritium; (2) conduct separations operations; (3) conduct
irradiated materials inspection, fuel fabrication, decontamination, or recovery operations; (4) conduct
fuel enrichment operations; (5) perform environmental remediation or waste management activities
involving radioactive materials; (6) conduct nuclear explosives activities; or (7) perform nuclear
experimental activities. Incidental use and generation of radioactive materials in a facility operation
(e.g., check and calibration sources, use of radioactive sources in research and experimental and
analytical laboratory activities, electron microscopes, and X-ray machines) would not ordinarily require
the facility to be included in this definition. Accelerators and reactors and their operations are not
included. The application of any rule to a non-reactor nuclear facility shall be applied using a graded
3.20 Nuclear Facility. Nuclear facility means reactor and non-reactor nuclear facilities.
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