| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
3.21 Objective Evidence. Any documented statement of fact, other physical condition information,
or record (either quantitative or qualitative) pertaining to the quality of an item or activity based on
observations, measurements, or tests which can be independently verified.
3.22 Objectives and Sub-objectives. Aims or goals for the readiness of a facility to start and
continue to operate safely.
3.23 Operational Readiness Review. A disciplined, systematic, documented, performance-based
examination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and management control systems to ensure
that a facility will be operated safely within its approved safety envelope as defined by the facility safety
basis. The Operational Readiness Review scope is defined based on the specifics of the facility and/or
the reason for the shutdown as related to a minimum set of core requirements. A graded approach is used
in defining the depth of the Operational Readiness Review based on these core requirements.
3.24 ORR Implementation Plan. The procedural document by which the ORR is conducted. This
document implements the scope and direction approved in the ORR plan-of-action and define the depth
of the review. Sections 5.4 and 5.9.2 describe the contents, preparation, and use of the ORR
Implementation Plan.
3.25 ORR Plan-of-Action. The document prepared by line management which describes the breadth
of the ORR and the prerequisites which must be met to start the ORR. It is the document by which line
management defines what will be evaluated by the ORR. Both the Contractor and DOE prepare a plan-
of-action. These are submitted to the authorization authority for approval.
3.26 Planned Shutdown. A facility shutdown required to perform scheduled activities (such as
programmatic or equipment adjustments, reactor refueling, maintenance, surveillance, tests, inspections,
and/or safety upgrades) or for programmatic reasons unrelated to the facility's ability to operate, such as a
funding shortfall, is a planned shutdown. Local procedures should define the review requirements for
shutdowns of this type. In all cases, if a review is required, the ORR or RA process will be used.
3.27 Prerequisites: A set of specific, measurable actions or conditions identified in the contractor and
DOE Plans-of-action that are to be completed prior to the start of the respective ORR or RA. At a
minimum, prerequisites are identified for each of the applicable core requirements of DOE O 425.1B.
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