| DOE-STD-3006-2000
Additional prerequisites may be established by line management. The prerequisites, when completed by
line management, should be expected to bring the activity/operation into a state of readiness.
3.28 Process. A series of actions that achieves an end or result.
3.29 Program Manager. The Headquarters individual, or designee, appointed by and under the
direction of a Secretarial Officer, who is directly involved in the operation of a facility under his or her
cognizance and who holds signature authority to provide technical direction through the field element to
DOE contractors for these facilities.
3.30 Program Work. Work in a reactor or non-reactor nuclear facility that is accomplished to further
the goals of the facility mission and/or the program for which the facility is operated. Program work is
not accomplished when a facility is shutdown. Program work does not include work that would be
required to maintain the facility in a safe shutdown condition, minimize radioactive material storage, or
accomplish modifications and correct deficiencies required before program work can recommence.
3.31 Reactor. Unless modified by words such as containment, vessel, or core, reactor means the
entire nuclear reactor facility, including the housing, equipment, and associated areas devoted to the
operation and maintenance of one or more reactor cores. Any apparatus that is designed or used to
sustain nuclear chain reactions in a controlled manner, including critical and pulsed assemblies, and
research, test, and power reactors, is defined as a reactor. All assemblies designed to perform subcritical
experiments that could potentially reach criticality are also to be considered reactors. Critical assemblies
are special nuclear devices designed and used to sustain nuclear reactions. Critical assemblies may be
subject to frequent core and lattice configuration change and may be used frequently as mockups of
reactor configurations.
3.32 Readiness Assessment. A review that is conducted to determine a facility's readiness to startup
or restart when an Operational Readiness Review is not required or when contractor's standard
procedures for startup are not judged by contractor or DOE management to provide an adequate
verification of readiness. The scope of the RA is defined on a case-by-case basis in accordance with
local contractor and DOE procedures.
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