| ![]() What do you need to do to prepare for the seminar? How should you
use the lesson plans? What information will be available for you to
review? What skills do you need to practice?
Spend adequate
time preparing every
time you facilitate
Read the information about preparing for the seminar. Use the
this seminar
Checklist (Segment 5) as your tool to ensure you have done
READ through the
everything required for adequate preparation.
lesson plans once,
now, to better
comprehend the
remainder of this
Attachments 1-3 are the lesson plans you will use during the training
portion of "Orient Team" (TTJA Step 1). You MUST spend adequate
time preparing to teach these lessons, especially to build in the examples
described in the next section ("Review Available Information"). We
suggest you read through the lesson plans once, now, to see the "big
picture" of what you will be doing during the TTJA seminar. (This will
also help you determine how much time it will take you to prepare for
teaching the lessons.) The lesson plans provide detailed information on
job analysis, TTJA, Nominal Group Technique, and consensus decision-
making. Reading the lesson plans will help improve your comprehension
of the remainder of this Facilitator Guide.
We suggest the lead and co-Facilitators team-teach the lessons so
participants will be comfortable with both people. The table on the next
page shows a suggested way of dividing the lessons among the two
Facilitators. CAUTION: In order to do a good job of instructing and
facilitating the workshop, both Facilitators must be intimately familiar
with everything in each lesson plan and not just the sections they teach.
Suggested plan for
When teaching, follow the lesson plans because they have been carefully
team-teaching the
designed to help team members succeed during the workshop (making
the workshop more efficient and pleasant, and resulting in a usable end
product). The lessons will also help the observers understand how the
task list should be used in the training program and what information
they need to explain when conducting their own TTJA seminars.
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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