| ![]() Twenty to thirty days prior to the
Obtain from the Coordinator:
seminar, the Coordinator should
send you planning information and
The Needs Analysis Worksheet
available job information.
(only applies to TCAP
You should use the job
information in two ways. First,
Use the job
familiarize yourself with the job
The TTJA Planning Sheet (from
information to
and form an idea of the types of
Coordinator Guide)
familiarize yourself
task statements that will arise
with the job and to
from the TTJA. Second, create a
Job Information (if available)
build examples into
- A brief job description
the "Overview"
possible list of duty areas and task
lesson that are
- A task list for the job or a
statements for the job and, as you
specific to the job
similar job at the facility
prepare to teach, build them into
that will be analyzed
- A task list for a similar job
the "Overview" lesson as
during the seminar.
position at another facility -
A list of procedures
applicable to the job
NOTE: Building job-specific
examples of "well-written" vs.
- Copies of 2-5 procedures
"poorly-written" task statements
that reflect the tasks
and job-specific examples
involved in the job
illustrating the concept of task
"levels" has proven to be crucial
in helping team members understand these concepts. Make sure you
take the time to create these examples using the information the
Coordinator sends you.
During TTJA Step 4, the Coordinator will have in the meeting room all
available job information (standard operating procedures, system
descriptions, process and instrument diagrams, and other materials
relevant to the job position) so team members can refer to it when
identifying the duty areas and tasks. During Step 4, team members will
also compare their task list with the list you develop and, if available,
with a task list from another facility. (This will be explained further in
Segment 3 when discussing TTJA Steps 3 and 4).
CAUTION: You should use this information only to become familiar
with the job and to build examples into the "Overview" lesson. You
SHOULD NOT use this information to contribute to the task list when
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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