| ![]() Use Nominal Group
Technique to select a
Distribute to each team member 20 copies of the "Selection Form" (refer
box for each task in
to "Workshop" section of their Participant Manual). Use NGT to have
the first duty area
each team member use the criteria to silently determine in which box
each task in Duty Area "A" best fits. (NOTE: It will be a "best fit"
decision--a task may not meet all the criteria in one box but can still be
placed in that box. A task may fit criteria in several boxes, but should
be placed in the box where it meets the most criteria.)
Each participant will use the
As team members state their color during
Selection Form to silently write
Tally the results
the round robin, keep track of the status
down their choice for each task
during the round
on a flipchart by making a tick mark
within the entire duty area.
under "black," "yellow," "green," or "red."
When using the round robin,
indicate on the flipchart how
Task black yellow green red
A-1 ///
many indicated "black,"
"yellow," "green," or "red" for
each task. Then circle the
A-4 //
A-5 //
majority answer. Only discuss
those items where there is no
majority (otherwise you will run
out of time in the seminar!) Then
move on, having the team use
NGT for the next duty area. This
duty-area by duty-area technique typically takes the least amount of time.
Have each team member draw a large, black, filled-in box on a 3 x 5
post-it note pad. Have them make three others, one with a yellow box,
one with a green box, and one with a red box. Focusing on Duty
Area A, have them hold up the appropriate-colored box to indicate their
selection for Task A-1. (NOTE: Keep reminding team members that
they should make their selection based on the criteria!) As Facilitator,
simply look at what everyone is holding up and state which color is the
majority. Then have them hold up their selected color for Task A-2,
etc. NOTE: If it looks like the team members will be debating over the
answer for each task, revert to Technique 1 above. There is not enough
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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