| ![]() As the Facilitator, you have the pivotal role in the TTJA process. You
will be responsible for teaching the lessons during the 1/2-day training
Member's Role
portion of the seminar and for facilitating the team members during the
TTJA workshop portion. The team members are the SMEs (job
incumbents and engineers) and supervisors who will use their technical
expertise to identify the tasks involved in the job. As you help the team
reach consensus on the tasks involved in the job, the Co-Facilitator will
print each task on a separate sheet of paper and post it on the wall.
Members of the facility training staff may be in attendance for the entire
3-day seminar in order to learn how to conduct TTJA. During the
training portion of the seminar, the training staff will be involved as
participants and should sit at the same tables as the team members.
During the workshop portion of the seminar, the training staff will
Observer's Role
observe your conduct from the back of the room as you guide team
members through the TTJA steps. During TTJA Steps 4 and 6, they
will have an opportunity to help facilitate the identification of tasks and
selection of tasks for training (refer to Steps 4 and 6 in Segment 3). During
all of the TTJA steps, the observers [especially the person(s) who will be
developing the subsequent training program for this job] must pay close
attention to the proceedings and take notes of any training-related
discussions. These notes will be valuable during the design and
development of the training program. You must be careful to serve as a
role model for the training staff and make time available during lunches
or evenings to answer any questions they may have.
Who is the
Another key player in the TTJA process is the "Coordinator." The
Coordinator for
Coordinator is responsible for making the necessary pre-seminar
the 3-day TTJA
arrangements including selecting and scheduling team members,
gathering job-related information for your review prior to the seminar,
and scheduling an appropriate meeting room. The Coordinator has been
given a Coordinator Guide. You will need to work closely with the
Coordinator as you prepare for the TTJA seminar.
Many people can assume the role of Coordinator, but few have all the
necessary qualities to perform as the Facilitator. With input from
management, the Coordinator chose you as the Facilitator. The choice was
carefully made, based on the qualities required of a Facilitator.
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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