| ![]() Each step is
The 3-day TTJA seminar will
explained in detail in
Steps in TTJA Process
implement the six TTJA steps.
Segment 3
The seminar is divided into two
1. Orient team
portions: a training portion and a
2. Review job
workshop portion. During the
3. Identify duty areas
1/2-day training portion, you will
4. Identify tasks
use Attachments 1-3 to teach
An agenda is shown
5. Sequence tasks and duty
three lessons to the participants,
on the next page
explaining what they need to
6. Select tasks for training
know in order to fulfill the
terminal objective of the seminar.
The training portion is TTJA
Step 1--orient team to the TTJA
process. Then you will become the Facilitator for the workshop portion.
During the workshop you will use Segment 5 as a job aid that helps you
remember everything involved when performing TTJA Steps 2-6.
TTJA, when used appropriately,
When is Table-Top Job
has proven to be a more efficient,
Analysis appropriate?
cost-effective, and accurate
method for developing a task list
1. When no task list exists for
than other analysis methods such
the given job position
as survey questionnaire or
2. When there is an existing
observation. It is also effective
task list but it is outdated
when used in combination with
and/or incomplete
methods such as verification
3. When another facility's task
analysis (using another facility's
list is available and, with
task list as the basis for your own)
modification, can be used as
and procedural review (reviewing
the basis for the facility's task
procedures to identify tasks).
(This 3-day seminar will use the
combination of TTJA, verification
analysis, and procedural review.)
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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