| DOE-HDBK-1103-96
break for the "off," or documenting facilitator, and thus allows a higher energy level for the
"on" facilitator. As the TTNA process takes place, the co-facilitator observes the process
and decisions of the team and documents certain aspects of their work on the Briefing
Form (Appendix F is an example).
Participants brief management on the last day, explaining the intent, process, and results
found during their needs analysis. The facility should keep a record of the briefing and its
supporting documentation so the results can be used in later processes when building
training programs.
The facilitator must possess many skills to make this process a success. In the role of
instructor, the facilitator needs strong instructional skills in order to teach the lessons.
The facilitator also serves as a process expert who facilitates the sessions but does not
provide technical input. Successful facilitation hinges on three factors: interpersonal
skills, expertise in the systematic approach to training process, and the ability to perform
special skills associated with facilitating table-top processes. At a minimum, the facilitator
should be familiar with the needs analysis process, the difference between needs
analysis, job analysis, and task analysis, and possess excellent facilitation skills.
Flexibility and the ability to adjust to changing circumstances are crucial. Preferably, the
facilitator is qualified to facilitate TTNA through training and experience.
Interpersonal Skills Needed by TTNA Facilitator
a sensitivity to others
the ability to establish
a sense of humor
and maintain enthusiasm
the ability to make decisions
excellent listening skills
the ability to display and
the ability to display warmth
maintain a positive image
and establish rapport quickly
a high degree of
with team members
sensitivity to both verbal
the ability to motivate,
and nonverbal communication
encourage, and focus
excellent memory
team members
arrangements. For example, when making preparation arrangements, the coordinator
should select TTNA team members, gather job-related information for use during the
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